Stitch Circles and Spirals

Stitch Circles and Spirals

10 Sep

It does not matter: the size of the fabric or the color of the yarn or where you put the first stitch… you start without planning, even without thinking about the end result… you may draw a circle or spiral with a pencil but even that is not necessary… It is all about starting something with a tiny single stitch and witnessing how such a simple step grows into something strange but equally beautiful. You may change colors of the yarn or use scrap threads in any length, if you go round around the first tiny dot or line you made, sooner or later a pattern emerges.

Now, if your piece of fabric or cloth is still not covered you can even add some thin strips of fabric and stitch over it, bit by bit and see your pattern transform. Circles or spirals. If you see that your pattern is bland and repeating, you add vertical or meandering lines, crossing over the circles. If you do not hurry to add more and more stitches (well, it soon turns into an addiction, so beware ? and go at a steady pace, it is meditative.

And whenever daily life or your mind becomes too hectic, you can always grab another piece of cloth and do it again: this time another pattern emerges.

A day comes and you put all those pieces together and arrange to see if they are like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle; some patterns or circles or colors clash with or complement each other. Arrange these until you see the bigger pattern emerges: A map to your creativity. Cherish it.

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