
The magic of threading the needle

The magic of threading the needle

31 Aug

Here we go… again. The process of creating a website is not unlike creating our products: at first, we had no idea about what to do 🙂  Now, if you are reading this, it means that we did it again; we managed to bring together bits and pieces and created something practical out of them.

As children of Turkey in late 60s, we grew up in an extended family, surrounded by hard working parents, grandparents, relatives, cousins. We learnt to save money by recycling, upcycling and refashioning things way before these become a trend; it was a natural part of our way of living, so it always remained with us as a well-learnt lesson.

Fast-forward to today: Our “frugal” 🙂  mentality now has an environmental aspect, as you know very well that whatever we throw away… comes back to us in unsustainable ways. There is no “away” in a globe, what goes around comes around. So, when we decided to start our brand Sista&Sista Made our intention was, and still is, to use preloved garments and fabrics, surplus and leftover materials of friends’ and other people’s craft projects to reduce the textile waste which most often ends in landfills.

With this initial intention we started to produce cost-friendly, environment-friendly, like-minded customer-friendly products which we listed in this website. We hope you like them. We have so much fun while creating our cushions, bags, accessories and ecoprints that we expect that as you buy and use them, that fun will rub off on you.

Let’s remake, reuse, recycle and as we do this together, let’s try our best to restore our world to its pristine state. If you think that this is a task way beyond us, please remember that the most intricate as well as the simplest sewing project begins when we thread a needle. A simple beginning. This is the magic inherent in all great works. So, shall we begin?


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